
“Do This in Memory of Me”

“The Eucharist is the secret of my day.
It gives strength and meaning to all my activities of service
to the Church and to the world.” 
Pope Saint John Paul

As individual members of the one Body of Christ, we each share in obedience to serve as the hands and feet of Christ to grow the Kingdom of God.

Our parish Stewardship efforts focus on opening the door to meet Christ through prayer and worship, to encourage and support conversion of mind and heart through hospitality and fellowship, and to offer opportunities to care for and share God's gifts through service and evangelization.

How do we start our faith journey in Stewardship?

  • Trust in God. 

  • Ask for God’s help. 

  • Pray daily for the Holy Spirit to guide us on this journey.

  • Rely on Him to take care of our needs.


“Father, I am seeking: I am hesitant and uncertain, but will you,
O God, watch over each step of mine and guide me.”
St. Augustine of Hippo

Each individual’s prayer life inspires stewardship of time.  Giving of your time to share God’s love through your presence, service, and work represents a valuable and unique contribution to our parish family.


 “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire!”
St. Catherine of Siena

Stewardship is a way of life that acknowledges God as Creator and Giver of all.  Stewards, as disciples of Jesus Christ, see themselves as caretakers of all of God's gifts. Gratitude for these gifts is expressed in prayer, worship, offering and action by joyously sharing our gifts out of love for God and one another. 


 “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:21

Our deepest reason for giving is because we have a spiritual need to give. We are called to give to God from our first fruits and to recognize that everything comes from Him. Our gifts to God are offered out of faith and gratitude for what God has done for us.

 As St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta says, “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” If we give from our hearts, we gain infinitely more than we have given away.

Every parishioner is important. Everyone has something significant to contribute to God's Kingdom. Every prayer and act of kindness will not go unnoticed, Jesus told us. Honor God every day as you use your time, talents, and treasure.  Pray that He will lead you to those who need the gifts that only you can bestow!

 Doing “In Memory of Me”

  • Pray for God to reveal to you how your own time and talents can be used to help others.

  • Network with other parishioners to learn how they serve and to identify areas where you can be of service.

  • Attend small faith formation study groups.